Your views and concerns can be heard through Patient Voice, which is the voice of your PPG (Patient Practice Group). The PPG has just been reformed by six patients of the practice and three practice staff. Its aim is to give all the patients a voice in the practice.
Your committee consists of the Chair Robert Jones, Secretary David Thompson, and representing the practice is lead doctor Dr Mike Pimm, Practice Manager Olivia Tratt, Operational Manager Lucy Butts, and Samantha Butts, Deputy Practice Manager.
We really would welcome some more patients onto the committee to ensure a cross-section of patient needs. If you would be willing to be a member for a year or longer if you wish, please contact the practice and complete a form or ask to speak to Livi Tratt. Your commitment would be four committee meetings per annum and an odd one or two should the need arise.
Meetings for 2020 are currently on hold, however are still welcoming new members to ask questions virtually.
Alternatively, the committee would welcome patients that would like to be involved in other PPG activities such as manning the PPG desk once a week or helping in fundraising for such things as a community defibrillator.
Your committee and I look forward to representing you in the foreseeable future. Please make sure your concerns are made known, and those that can, please get involved in order to make a vibrant practice where patient needs are at the forefront.
Thank you for reading this short introduction to the PPG.
Robert Jones your Chairperson.
For more information on being part of a Patient Participation Group, please click on the following link for a short video – Patient Groups – Health Watch.
Please click here to read the minutes of the meetings.